Summer Car Camping Essentials

Although we are suckers for backpacking trips, there’s nothing quite like car camping. All the comforts of home brought into the wild make for a pretty epic experience. Car camping is actually what we end up doing most weekends because it’s easy and can be planned very spur of the moment. Once you get the hang of throwing together what you need for a weekend in the woods, you can pack the below items in 45 minutes, and be on the road heading towards your next adventure in no time.

Don’t know where to start with packing? Well you’re in luck – use our handy dandy checklist below to help ensure you have everything you need for an epic weekend get-a-way. This packing list could be different depending on your trip itinerary, so feel free to customize this list as you pack for your trip. For the purposes of this post, let’s assume we will be camping in a tent next to the car at night, and hiking during the day:

General Camping Gear

  • Tent: Since you don’t have to worry about weight when car camping, we usually bring my bigger tent so I have a little more room at night. Make sure your tent comes with a rain fly and footprint as well. We always bring a 2 person tent both when traveling alone or with a buddy

  • Sleeping Bag: In the summer months we exclusively sleep in a quilt. The one linked is a crossover between a typical mummy bag and a true quilt, so it gives lots of versatility for both backpacking and car camping.

  • Wool Blanket: Even in the summer, we always have this in the tent. Just makes things cozy

  • Pillow: We have separate pillows that were bought at Target for $2 each that are kept in my car and exclusively used when car camping

  • Sleeping Pad: We have a separate pad that is solely used for car camping. This pad is extremely comfortable, but is heavy and folds up pretty big, which is why we don’t use it for backpacking or anything trips where weight matters.

  • Camp Chairs: Something to sit on while eating or while around the camp fire

General Hiking Gear

  • Hiking Backpack: Big enough to comfortably hold gear, but small enough to not be bulky. A hip belt and chest strap are a must

  • Trekking Poles: Optional, but we highly recommended on most hikes


  • Synthetic Shirts or Tanks: Anything except cotton, which prevents your skin from being able to breathe and traps sweat. When car camping I bring as many shirts as I need to have a fresh one each day of the trip

  • Comfortable & Quick Drying Pants or Shorts: Pants made for working out are best. Avoid denim or clothes you care about getting dirty. We also bring as many shorts or pants as needed to have a fresh one each day of the trip when car camping

  • Extra Layer: Depending on the weather, we usually bring a sweatshirt, fleece, or packable synthetic jacket in case a storm comes in or it gets cold at higher elevation

  • Synthetic Underwear: Stay away from cotton. Merino Wool is best since it’s breathable and naturally anti-bacterial. Whatever you choose, just make sure it’s comfortable!

  • Light Colored, Synthetic, Long Sleeve T-Shirt: Optional, but we usually bring one of these when hiking in the desert or a mostly exposed trail to avoid sunburn

  • Baseball Hat: Keeps the sun out of your eyes and the hair out of your face

  • Sunglasses: Especially important if the trail is exposed and the sun is out

  • Rain Jacket: Even if the weather doesn’t call for rain, bring it anyway. Nothing is worst than getting caught unprepared in a pop up storm

  • Sleeping Gear: Something on the warmer side that’s comfortable and will be used at camp. Bring a separate shirt, pants, and fleece hat (for colder areas) that will only be used at camp


  • Trail Runners or Hiking Boots: We will recommend trail runners until the day we die, but whatever you bring, just make sure it’s something that is both durable and will be comfortable on your feet for a few hours

  • Sandals, Crocs, or Flip Flops: Absolutely necessary for shoes to wear at camp! We usually wear Crocs since they are closed toe and insanely comfortable, but any sort of waterproof or plastic sandal will do

  • Wool Hiking Socks: Choose something lightweight and breathable, but avoid cotton. We prefer crew cut socks when wearing both boots or trail runners. Bring as many pairs as you need for each day!

  • Camp Socks: Something warm and comfortable to wear in your tent


  • Paper Map, Print Off of Route, or Downloaded App: Have your itinerary written down to avoid getting lost in the first place, but be sure to have some way of being able to navigate yourself if your original plan gets derailed. Paper maps and compasses are the most reliable, but print offs of the webpage where you found the hike, or apps such as Atlas Guides or AllTrails will help as well. Just be sure to bring an external charger for your phone if relying on it for navigation. Also be aware that most hikes do not have phone service, so have all maps downloaded ahead of time.

Food & Hydration

  • Waterbottles: We usually carry 2 one-liter bottles at a time, depending on the distance of the hike. If you need extra hydration, fill one bottle with water and the other with powdered gatorade

  • Water Filter: Quick and easy way to gather more water while on the trip. Most of the time we can fill up in parks and restaurants when car camping, but it always pays to have it just in case.

  • Coffee: This coffee is pre-portioned and perfect for on-the-go camp coffee. We also personally think it’s better than Starbucks…

  • Lunches: The option to have a cooler when car camping makes lunches so much easier. We usually bring lunch meat and cheese to make sandwiches, but you could choose to bring whatever you want that keeps you full throughout a day of hiking and traveling

  • Dinners: We usually do things like ramen noodles or boxed macaroni and cheese, but you could go all out and cook hamburgers, hot dogs, and almost everything under the sun if you bring a full on camp stove

  • Snacks: Little pick-me-ups for throughout the day. We’ve been loving yogurt covered raisins and chocolate covered freeze-dried fruit recently. You could pack anything that’s quick and easy to eat like chips, candy, or fruit!

  • Cooler: Definitely recommended when car camping – it opens up so many more food options. Choose a cooler that keeps ice for a few days at a time

  • Camp Stove: We personally use a backpacking stove car camping because it’s easy to pack and store. However the larger the stove you get, the more extravagant camp meals you can make

  • Lighter: Just a standard cigarette lighter to start your stove or a camp fire with

  • Fuel for Stove: Whatever fuel type works with your stove! No need to worry about weight so just make sure you have enough for the full trip

  • Spork or Silverware: Doesn’t need to be fancy. Just something that can be used to eat multiple types of camp meals

  • Pot: Pot or skillet that can be used to cook at camp!

  • Plates, Napkins, Etc: Any additional utensils you think you will need. You could opt out of bringing any of these sort of things if you are keeping it simple, but if you are planning to cook real camp meals then you will be happy you have them

  • Bear Storage: So this isn’t actually something you bring, but it’s still important to keep in mind. Always, always, always storage all food in your car. Never leave unattended food hanging around your campsite, even in the middle of the day

First Aid

  • Bandaids: A handful of bandages for small injuries

  • Ace Bandage: These are lifesavers on the off chance a more serious injury happens

  • Tweezers: For removing ticks or splinters

  • Medicine: In addition to any medications you take daily, bring along ibuprofen and pepto bismol

  • Alcohol Wipes: Can be used to clean an injury or to disinfect things like your hands or silverware before eating

  • Wilderness First Aid: Taking a WFA class can do wonders in helping you feel prepared and confident in case of backcountry injuries


  • Backpacking Toothbrush: We just use this as my standard camping toothbrush, but you could use a full sized one as well

  • Travel Sized Tooth Paste: The smaller size is easier to pack

  • Camp Towel: Doesn’t need to be huge. Just something small to help if you spill water in your tent or need to wipe something down

  • Beach Towels: Just random towels you don’t mind getting dirty. Great for if you end up swimming near by or need to clean mud up out of the car

  • Trash bag: Bring a plastic bag for trash you create over the length of your trip

  • Toilet Paper: Odds are you’re gonna have to go to the bathroom while out there. Bring more than you think you’ll need

  • Camp Trowel: For digging a cat hole to bury human waste


  • Bear Spray: We always carry at least some sort of pepper spray both for animals and people alike… Usually significantly smaller than the one linked

  • Pocket Knife: Can be used for everything from cutting food to moleskin

  • Camera: Phones can work great, but I always opt to bring my Sony with one or two lenses and extra batteries

  • ID Card: In case you need to be identified in an emergency

  • Cash: Just in case

  • External Charger: Especially important if you are using your phone as a navigation device

  • Headlamp: For setting up camp, sitting around the fire, and going to the bathroom in the middle of the night

  • Two Itineraries: Always be sure to tell someone where you are going and when you plan to be back. It’s good practice to leave 1 itinerary with friend (just text them before you leave), and 1 under front seat of the car you park at the trailhead

Download this page into a printable check list!

Have questions on gear or about what you should bring on your next car camping trip? Shoot us a message – we’d be happy to help out!


Gear Review: Cotopaxi Mariposa Leggings and Vamos Shorts


Summer Backpacking Essentials